Short description
Designing meaningful places
We are OKRA: an international and interdisciplinary team in the field of landscape architecture, working from Utrecht, the Netherlands. Together we design and realise resilient landscapes, healthy cities and sustainable water strategies.
We envision the world of tomorrow as a place with positive impact on people and nature. To attain this, we combine three decades of international experience and thorough research with inventiveness and craftmanship to provide creative, leading and award-winning solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.
Our goal is to design resilient landscapes that encourage social life and enhance ecology. We achieve this by adopting an open design approach, drawing inspiration and knowledge beyond given boundaries. Interdisciplinary collaboration and investment in research, both outside and inside the scope of our discipline, are central to our strategy. This allows us to address contemporary issues such as climate resilience, biodiversity, and social inclusiveness.
In our projects, we create valuable, habitable spaces for people and nature. We envision cities as natural habitats, places where people and nature live together in healthy ways. We conceive innovative solutions and designs for living with water, empowering sustainable and adaptive ecosystems. Our landscape design process focuses on rediscovering landscapes. In doing so, we uncover and reinterpret physical and historical layers as the basis for new interventions. By uniting nature and culture, we create landscapes that are full of meaning for both.
OKRA’s multidisciplinary team consists of about 50 landscape architects, urban planners, architects, designers and other specialists. The partners, Martin Knuijt and Wim Voogt, work alongside a team of associates, Tom Wierts, Pierre-Alexandre Marchevet, Rani Izhar, Guiliana Sibilia, Nefeli Kalantzi, Melle van Dijk and Suzanne in ‘t Veld.
Our specialists work together in dynamic project teams, combining their diverse talents to create high-quality designs. This collaborative approach, coupled with our extensive experience in navigating complex processes, enables us to overcome challenges and inspire collaborative partners to excel in every aspect of a design.
We always aim to provide high-quality design solutions to any challenge we are given, carefully considering local context and culture across our international portfolio. We are proud to see our projects being recognised by renowned organisations throughout the years. Our work has been awarded both nationally and internationally with, among others, the European Prize for Urban Public Space, Rietveld prize, and ARC awards.
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