Shutters – Crowne Plaza Coogee Beach
Project description
Shutters comprises 3 individual spaces - the lobby bar, the main dining room with an open kitchen and finally the shuttered patio opening up to the majestic view of the Coogee foreshore. We de-saturated the space by reducing the tonality of all upholstery, marble, custom terrazzo, décor, paint and putty tone stucco rendered walls so that the colour balance of the interior reflected the scenery outside the shuttered windows. AZBcreative wanted to create an environment that was luxurious and comfortable, was able to be scaled throughout the day but also remain visually beautiful, where the view is paramount. The functional needs of the space, and the way it evolves from night to day, created some interesting design challenges. We were mindful of designing an interior that works within the existing hotel. Our mission was to design different environments that functioned separately and offered access to hotel guests and other patrons alike.
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